Beer Review: Aventinus

Beer: Aventinus Weizsenstarkbier
Brewer: Schneider-Weisse
Source: Draught
Rating: ***** (9.0 of 10)

Comments: After a long walking tour I stopped into Jacob Wirth’s to refresh myself. Once again, the beer I asked for was not on tap and the bartender offered something else. That something else was really something else, a dark wheat beer called Aventinus.

Granted I was predisposed to like Aventinus as German wheat beers are one of my favorite styles of beers alongside Irish stouts and English Real Ales. But Aventinus knocked my socks off. It looked good with a dark golden tone and a thick head, it smelt good with that characteristic wheaty smell, and it tasted divine. I felt like I was back in Munich. Apparently, the alcohol content is pretty high too because it went straight to my head so that’s something to watch out for if you’re also a lightweight.

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