Beer Review: Negra Modelo

Kicking off the summer with a refreshing beer from Mexico, albeit the style is Vienna Lager.

Beer: Negra Modelo
Brewer: Grupo Modelo
Source: 12 fl. oz bottle
Rating: ** (6.7 of 10)
Comments: This beer pours out with a nice dark reddish color, very clear with a thick head and lots of big bubbles (although neither of them last long).  It has a nice fresh beer smell and a clean crisp taste and a sweet, caramel aftertaste.  Actually it’s kind of addictive.  I can see myself serially sipping bottles of Negra Modelo on a beach.  If I can forget that it comes from the same company that makes Corona, at least.

One thought on “Beer Review: Negra Modelo

  1. Two years ago, at age 60, I discovered Negro Modelo Beer. the stuff has made me a beer snob, I’ll drink nothing else now!! I am not an expert taster but I do know a winner!! My hat is off to an excellent beverage.


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